Why is iron not absorbed?

Why is iron not absorbed? - icon-clock
Iron malabsorption can lead to various health issues such as anemia and fatigue. While iron is a crucial nutrient for transporting oxygen in red blood cells, its absorption can be a complex process. Several factors can influence why iron may not be efficiently absorbed in the body.
Why is iron not absorbed? - blueiron_miksi_rauta_ei_imeydy

There are several factors that can contribute to iron malabsorption. One of the most common reasons is a diet high in substances that inhibit iron absorption, such as calcium, compounds found in tea and coffee. Certain medications, like proton pump inhibitors and certain antibiotics, can also hinder iron absorption. Additionally, the health of the intestines significantly impacts iron absorption; conditions like celiac disease or inflammatory bowel diseases can impair iron absorption. Iron absorption can be enhanced by consuming vitamin C simultaneously and eating iron-rich foods such as meat and fish.