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BlueIron suits all diets


BlueIron products are designed to support your well-being regardless of your diet. Whether you follow a vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, or other specialized diet, BlueIron is tailored to fit everyone. Here are a few reasons why BlueIron is a safe and effective choice for various dietary needs.
5 Tips to Manage Iron Deficiency


Iron deficiency can lead to various health challenges, and during flu season, maintaining adequate iron levels is especially important. Use these five tips to help prevent symptoms of iron deficiency and stay energized in your daily life.
4 Tips for Cold Season!


Cold season is here, so here’s a reminder of four basic tips to help prevent a cycle of colds in your home.
4 Tips for Cold Season!


Cold season is here, so here’s a reminder of four basic tips to help prevent a cycle of colds in your home.
Ensuring Adequate Iron Intake During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding


During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman's need for iron increases significantly. Iron is essential for both the mother's well-being and the growth and development of the fetus. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which may cause fatigue, weakened immunity, and even complications during childbirth.
The Importance of Iron During Puberty


Puberty is a life stage when the body undergoes significant changes and grows rapidly. During this period, the importance of nutrition becomes particularly emphasized, and iron plays a central role in the well-being and development of young people.
BlueIron Original valittiin vuoden Vegan Beauty -palkinnolla!


BlueIron Original palkittiin Englannissa vuoden 2023 Vegan Beauty -tuotteeksi!
Iron Deficiency and Its Impact on Growing Children


Iron is a vital trace element essential for maintaining numerous bodily functions. Particularly crucial is iron for the normal development of growing children. Iron deficiency in childhood can lead to various adverse effects affecting both physical and psychological development.
YHTEISTYÖ: -10% valikoiduista Puhdin palveluista


Puhti on tehnyt oman terveyden huolehtimisesta ja seuraamisesta helpompaa, kuin mitä se on ollut koskaan aiemmin. Voit valita laajasta valikoimasta omaan tilanteeseesi sopivat tutkimukset. Tutkimukseen pääset nopeasti ja ilman lääkärin lähetettä.
COOPERATION: How does Puhti work?

Puhti has made taking care of your own health and monitoring it easier than ever before. You can choose from a wide range of tests that are suitable for your situation. You can access the test quickly and without a doctor's referral.