Iron during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the need for iron increases significantly, because a lot of iron is consumed for the needs of both the fetus and the mother, and iron plays an important role in making a new little person.



Your iron levels have significant demands, and even one out of seven women develops iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy.

Why is it important to consider iron levels during pregnancy?

Your iron levels have significant demands, and even one out of seven women develops iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy.

The Significance of Iron During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the need for iron increases significantly, as iron is used extensively for both the needs of the fetus and the mother. Iron plays a crucial role in creating a new little human being. Your body requires extra iron for creating new organs, supporting the placenta, and preparing for childbirth and breastfeeding. Iron also supports the normal cognitive development of children and cell division.

Why do we lose more iron during pregnancy?

The volume of circulating blood increases by about 40% during pregnancy. The amount of plasma in the blood increases more than the number of red blood cells, leading to blood dilution. Increasing red blood cell production requires iron, which is especially used in late pregnancy for fetal red blood cell production.

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency and Pregnancy

Several symptoms of iron deficiency are also typical pregnancy symptoms. In addition, there may be other tiring factors in an expectant mother's life besides iron deficiency. If the symptoms begin to disrupt your daily life and no other cause can be found, it's advisable to discuss with a doctor.

BlueIron's Products for Your Life's Most Important Moments

Our products are safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Additionally, BlueIron's products are gentle on the stomach, so you can avoid common symptoms like abdominal cramps, pain, and diarrhea. We recommend discussing with your maternity clinic or doctor before starting an iron supplement.